Hello, All.
News to share:
2/23/18- Today, I will travel to Atlanta GA, my birthplace, to begin the recording my first studio solo album. This has been a long time coming, although there have perhaps been more fitting opportunities. Starting this process in a particularly dark crux in my life seems a little wrong. The 21st of February 2018 marked one year since my mother passed. Her father, not even a year earlier. I had lost the crutch of 72nd and Central as band members left for various personal reasons. I was, and continue to be, unhappy at my corporate job. As they approach, certain anniversaries and events in my life and the lives of those around me prickle me with fear, though I am genuinely grateful for the joys of those I care about.
Though the timing seems off, the pain and uncertainty seems to be driving my decision to continue with the recording process. I know that I have material to record that should have been properly released a long time ago. There is also new material waiting in purgatory that seems to be closer to finalizing, as I regain that mindset for recording and “finishing” (I hear that’s a word that exists, but I’ve never heard it used seriously in the art world).
I will share more information as it comes, and I will be documenting the weekend, and further into the recording process, so please stay tuned here, and through social media. I really do get a little fire inside for every ‘like’ or comment, or any other nod from the abyss, for no other reason that I know there’s a flame inside each of you as well. Share, and light the way.
Please, stay in touch; look out for updates, videos, previews, and whatever else comes from the studio.
If you have friends or family ANYWHERE who might be interested in joining the ride, please share!
I’m so thankful for so many of you that have stuck by me for so long.
I am excited to share the process, the experience,
and most importantly, the FINAL PROJECT with YOU!!!
Really, thank you so much.